Raptors player banned by NBA for betting on games, sharing information


Raptors player banned by NBA for betting on games, sharing information

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Quick Facts

  • Toronto Raptors player Jontay Porter was banned by the NBA for betting on league games and sharing confidential health information with sports bettors.
  • The NBA investigation focused on Porter’s actions during games on Jan. 26 and March 20, where he played briefly before leaving due to injury or illness.
  • Porter placed at least 13 bets on NBA games while traveling with the Raptors or Raptors 905, ranging from $15 to $22,000, with a total payout of $76,059.

Toronto Raptors player Jontay Porter has been banned by the NBA for disclosing confidential information about his health status to known sports bettors and betting on league games. The league’s investigation centered on Porter’s actions during games on Jan. 26 and March 20, where he played briefly before leaving due to injury or illness. It was discovered that a known NBA bettor placed a substantial bet on Porter underperforming in the March 20 game, based on the confidential information disclosed by Porter.

The investigation also revealed that from January through March 2024, while traveling with the Raptors or Raptors 905, Porter placed at least 13 bets on NBA games using an associate’s online betting account, totaling $54,094. NBA Commissioner Adam Silver emphasized the importance of protecting the integrity of NBA competition and announced that Porter will face the most severe punishment for his violations of gaming rules. Porter, who previously played in 26 games for the Raptors, including five starts, has not commented since the investigation started and has not played for the team again.

Furthermore, the NBA rules specify that any player involved in wagering on games or events within the league can face sanctions ranging from fines to “perpetual disqualification” from the NBA. Porter becomes the second person to be banned from the league by Silver, following the ban of former Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling in 2014. The NBA’s business relationships with gaming companies, including FanDuel Sportsbook and DraftKings, have raised important issues about the sufficiency of the regulatory framework for sports betting.


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