UK’s Pet Cloning Lab Sees Spike in Demand Amid Growing Controversy

Bereaved pet owners in the UK are using a unique cloning lab, Gemini Genetics, to bring their animals back to life. Located in Shropshire, the lab has been operational since 2019, providing cloning services for pets like dogs, cats, and horses. Learn more about their cloning process and future advancements by visiting the original article here. The article originally appeared in The Mirror.

Newstro Quick Facts

  • Gemini Genetics is the only lab in Europe offering pet cloning services. Since 2019, they’ve cloned around 1,000 pets per year, including dogs, cats, and horses, using DNA extracted from tissue samples provided by owners within five days of their pet’s death.
  • Cloning requires samples to be cryogenically preserved in liquid nitrogen. The actual cloning process, conducted by a partner lab in Texas, takes up to a year and costs between ÂŁ38,000 and ÂŁ59,000 depending on the species.
  • While cloning is banned under EU regulations, the Brexit transition could lead to changes in UK laws, potentially allowing the process to be done on British soil in the future.

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New Study Unveils Key Reasons Why 40% of Schizophrenia Patients Hear Voices

Recent research from China and the United States provides insight into why a significant number of schizophrenia patients experience auditory hallucinations. The study suggests that auditory hallucinations may arise from a combination of impairments in how the brain processes and predicts sensory information. Full details can be found in the original article published by StudyFinds.

This discovery offers a more profound understanding of schizophrenia, focusing on the interaction between motor and sensory systems. The study highlights new avenues for treating this challenging condition.

Newstro Quick Facts

  • Auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia patients may result from impaired brain processes related to sensory and motor functions, particularly in how the brain handles predictions and responses to sensory input.
  • The study used EEG measurements to compare schizophrenia patients who experienced auditory hallucinations and those who didn’t, revealing key differences in brain activity during speech preparation tasks.
  • The findings could extend beyond schizophrenia, potentially offering insights into other conditions where reality perception is altered, such as certain forms of dementia or drug-induced states.

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Earth Now Has Two Moons…Temporarily

In a rare celestial event, Earth has temporarily captured a second moon, asteroid 2024 PT5, confirmed on September 29, 2024. The asteroid, identified by astronomers from the Complutense University of Madrid, will orbit Earth briefly before continuing its journey through space. This fascinating event provides insights into mini-moons and their significance in astronomical studies. For more details on the discovery, visit the original report from This mini-moon event highlights the dynamic nature of near-Earth objects.


Newstro Quick Facts

  • Asteroid 2024 PT5, a small mini-moon, was temporarily captured by Earth’s gravity on September 29, 2024, and will remain in orbit until November 25, 2024, before returning to its original solar orbit.
  • Mini-moons like 2024 PT5 are rare and offer unique opportunities for astronomers to study near-Earth objects. These asteroids are typically too small to be easily detected without advanced telescopes.
  • The mini-moon’s origins are from the Arjuna asteroid belt, a group of asteroids with orbits similar to Earth’s. It will not complete a full orbit around Earth but will be a temporary satellite.

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Stanford Neurobiologist Challenges the Concept of Free Will

Stanford’s Robert Sapolsky, after extensive research, asserts that human behavior is largely beyond conscious control, challenging the widely accepted notion of free will.

Quick Facts:

  • Neurological Insights: Sapolsky equates human actions to involuntary processes such as seizures, suggesting they’re largely uncontrollable.
  • Controversial Perspective: While Sapolsky’s stance is groundbreaking, it contradicts the beliefs of many neuroscientists and philosophers.
  • Societal Implications: Accepting this viewpoint could revolutionize societal norms of reward, punishment, and personal responsibility.

Robert Sapolsky, a renowned neurobiologist from Stanford University, has spent over four decades studying human and primate behavior. His extensive research has led him to a provocative conclusion: virtually all human actions are beyond our conscious control. He likens our behaviors to biological processes such as seizures, suggesting they’re as involuntary as a heartbeat or cell division.

While Sapolsky’s research is comprehensive, his views on free will are not universally accepted. Many in the scientific community, including neuroscientists and philosophers, believe in at least some degree of free will. This belief is deeply rooted in religious, philosophical, and ethical traditions. Sapolsky’s stance, therefore, is not just revolutionary but also highly controversial.

The implications of Sapolsky’s findings are profound. If society were to accept that human behavior is largely uncontrollable, it would necessitate a re-evaluation of concepts like reward, punishment, and personal responsibility. Sapolsky believes that understanding the myriad influences on behavior can lead to a more compassionate and just society. He argues for a shift in perspective, from blaming individuals for their actions to understanding the underlying factors that drive them.

For Further Reading
Free Will: A philosophical and scientific concept, free will is believed to be the ability to make choices that aren’t determined by natural causality or predestined by fate. It’s central to many religious and ethical traditions. For a comprehensive understanding, visit Wikipedia’s article on Free Will.


Do all scientists agree with Sapolsky’s views on free will?
No, many neuroscientists, philosophers, and the general public believe in some degree of free will. Sapolsky’s perspective is considered controversial.

What are the implications of not believing in free will?
If society widely accepted the absence of free will, it could lead to a re-evaluation of concepts like reward, punishment, and personal responsibility. Sapolsky believes it would result in a more compassionate and just society.

Has Sapolsky written on this topic before?
Yes, he has written a book titled “Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst,” which examines the biological influences on human behavior.

Original article sourced from MSN.

Decoding the Enigma: New Brain Atlases Illuminate the Human Mind

Scientists have recently unveiled intricate brain atlases, aiming to provide a deeper understanding of the human brain’s cellular functions.

Quick Facts

  • Brain Atlases Released: Detailed maps have been introduced to delve into the cellular operations of the human brain.
  • US-led BRAIN Initiative: This project aspires to unravel the complexities of the brain, drawing parallels with the objectives of the Human Genome Project.
  • Objective for Treatment: These studies aim to pave the way for understanding and potentially treating various brain diseases.

The human brain, a marvel of nature, has always captivated scientists and researchers. The newly released brain atlases take this exploration to unprecedented heights. By examining the brain’s fundamental components, these studies offer a holistic view of the brain’s anatomy and its cellular activities. Joseph Ecker, a leading biologist at the Salk Institute, emphasized the significance of comprehending the brain’s development at such a granular level.

Historically, while the brain’s subdivisions have been mapped by anatomists, a comprehensive understanding remained elusive. The anatomical maps lacked cellular function data, and functional data lacked precise spatial context. Recent efforts by neuroscientists aim to bridge this gap. They are keen on understanding how brain cells function and their implications on cognition, vision, and even disease states. Patrick Hof, a renowned neuroscientist, highlighted that we are now on the brink of a comprehensive understanding of a normal brain, which will be instrumental in understanding brain diseases.

The novelty of this initiative is its ability to bridge the gap between brain anatomy and cellular functions. Each study contributes to creating different brain maps, each offering unique insights. These maps span various scales, from genes and cells to larger brain regions. Ecker’s study, for instance, mapped gene expression in different brain cell types during development. Conversely, Hof’s study introduced a tool akin to Google Maps for the Broca’s area, a region associated with speech and language.

For Further ReadingThe BRAIN Initiative is a US-led project aiming to demystify the brain’s intricacies. It is one of several global multi-billion-dollar projects focused on creating comprehensive brain atlases. These initiatives are reminiscent of the Human Genome Project, which successfully mapped the human genome in 2003. Wikipedia Link


What is the primary objective of the new brain atlases?
The main goal is to understand the human brain at the cellular level, connecting its anatomy with the function of its cells.

How will these studies aid in treating brain diseases?
By providing a comprehensive view of a normal brain, these studies will help understand what goes wrong in various brain diseases, paving the way for targeted treatments.

Are there other similar initiatives globally?
Yes, there are other multi-billion-dollar projects worldwide, like the EU-funded Human Brain Project, aiming to create comprehensive brain atlases.


NASA Reveals Findings from Asteroid Bennu Sample: Water and Carbon Abundance

NASA has unveiled a sample from the near-Earth asteroid Bennu, revealing significant amounts of water and carbon, supporting the theory that life on Earth might have originated from outer space.

Quick Facts

  • Sample from Asteroid Bennu: Contains abundant water and carbon, suggesting life on Earth could have been seeded from space.
  • OSIRIS-REx Mission: The spacecraft returned the sample to Earth after a seven-year roundtrip to Bennu.
  • Significance of Findings: The sample offers insights into the formation of our solar system and the potential origins of life on Earth.

The sample, which was returned to Earth by the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft, has been a subject of intense study by NASA. The findings were announced during a press event at the Johnson Space Center in Houston. The sample revealed that carbon accounted for almost 5% of its total weight, present in both organic and mineral forms. Additionally, the water was found locked inside the crystal structure of clay minerals.

These discoveries were made through a preliminary analysis that included scanning the sample with electron microscopy, X-ray computed tomography, and other advanced techniques. The results from this analysis suggest the possibility of further discoveries that could support the hypothesis that early Earth was bombarded by celestial objects like comets, asteroids, and meteorites, which could have brought with them the primordial ingredients for life.

Senior NASA scientist Daniel Glavin described the sample as “an astrobiologist’s dream,” noting that it seems to be “loaded with organics.” The early findings are a culmination of the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft’s seven-year mission to Bennu, which involved orbiting the asteroid for nearly two years before collecting a sample of its surface material in October 2020. The sample, which consists of small charcoal-colored rocks, pebbles, and dust, is currently being examined by scientists in protective gear at a specialized lab at the space center.

For Further Reading
Asteroids, like Bennu, are considered relics of the early solar system. Their chemistry and mineralogy have remained largely unchanged since their formation, making them valuable for scientific research. Studying these celestial bodies can provide insights into the origins and evolution of rocky planets, including Earth. For more details on asteroids and their significance, refer to the Wikipedia article on asteroids.


Why is the sample from Bennu significant?
The sample from Bennu is significant because it offers insights into the early solar system and the potential origins of life on Earth. The presence of abundant water and carbon in the sample supports the theory that life on Earth might have been seeded from space.

What was the purpose of the OSIRIS-REx mission?
The OSIRIS-REx mission aimed to collect a sample from the near-Earth asteroid Bennu and return it to Earth for analysis. The mission’s findings can provide valuable information about the formation of our solar system and the potential origins of life on Earth.

Original article source: DNYUZ

Monkey Survives Over Two Years with Genetically Engineered Pig Kidney Transplant

Researchers from the US biotech company eGenesis and Harvard Medical School have achieved a significant breakthrough in organ transplantation. A monkey has successfully lived for more than two years with a kidney from a genetically modified pig, offering hope for addressing the global donor shortage for patients with organ failure.

Quick Facts

  • Genetic Engineering: The pig kidneys were genetically altered using the Crispr gene-editing tool to prevent organ rejection and eliminate pig viruses that could be activated in recipients.
  • Study Results: Monkeys with kidneys edited to disable three genes survived an average of 24 days. However, when seven human genes were added, the survival rate increased to an average of 176 days.
  • Longest Survival: With immune system suppression treatment, one monkey lived for 758 days post-transplant.

The research, published in the journal Nature, involved transplanting kidneys from Yucatan miniature pigs into macaques. The choice of Yucatan pigs is due to the similarity in kidney size to adult humans. Dr. Michael Curtis, CEO of eGenesis, emphasized the significance of this “extraordinary milestone” and its potential to revolutionize organ transplants.

While the results are promising, challenges remain. The primary concern is ensuring that animal organs function effectively and safely in humans without being rejected by the patient’s immune system. The recent success puts eGenesis closer to meeting the US Food and Drug Administration’s requirement for a 12-month survival in animals before initiating human clinical trials.

Two humans have received pig heart transplants to date. The first patient passed away two months post-surgery in 2022, while the second, Lawrence Faucette, underwent the procedure in September this year and is currently recovering.

Experts in the field, such as Prof. Muhammad Mohiuddin from the University of Maryland School of Medicine, advocate for moving genetically modified pig organs into human trials. However, Prof. Dusko Ilic from King’s College London, while acknowledging the groundbreaking nature of the study, believes there’s still a considerable journey ahead before clinical trials can commence.

Original article source: The Guardian

US Senate Leader Targets Chinese Companies for Exacerbating Fentanyl Crisis

US Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer, criticized Chinese enterprises for intensifying the US fentanyl epidemic during his Shanghai meeting, marking the commencement of his China tour.

Quick Facts

  • Accusation on Chinese Companies: Chuck Schumer emphasized that Chinese corporations, not the government, are intensifying the US fentanyl epidemic.
  • Sanctions and Opposition: Washington imposed sanctions on a China-based group linked to the fentanyl crisis, a move which Beijing denounced, attributing the opioid issue to the US.
  • Trade and Reciprocity: Schumer addressed Beijing’s alleged biased trade practices, advocating for a level playing field for US enterprises operating in China.

During Schumer’s visit to China, he met with Chen Jining, a top official from the Chinese Communist Party in Shanghai. The key agenda was to address the significant role of Chinese companies in the fentanyl drug crisis, a major concern for the United States. Schumer clarified that his concerns were directed at Chinese businesses and not the government. These firms have been held responsible for the surge in drug addiction cases across various US communities.

Subsequently, the US took stringent measures by sanctioning a network based in China responsible for the production and distribution of chemicals used in drugs, particularly those contributing to the fentanyl crisis. This decision was not well-received by Beijing. In its defense, the Chinese government stated that the opioid crisis is an internal US problem and should not be linked to China. In addition to the drug-related issues, Schumer expressed intentions to address the alleged unfair trade practices by Beijing. He pointed out that American companies often express grievances about their operations in China, emphasizing the need for mutual reciprocity in trade relations.

As part of his diplomatic efforts, Schumer is leading a delegation that aims to discuss a variety of concerns, ranging from business climates to human rights. This delegation’s visit to China, followed by stops in South Korea and Japan, is one among the many recent visits by US officials. These visits signify the intent of both nations to mollify their strained relations across various domains, from economic disputes to security concerns.

For Further ReadingFentanyl: A powerful synthetic opioid, fentanyl is similar to morphine but 50 to 100 times more potent. It is prescribed for treating severe pain, typically advanced cancer pain. However, it’s been increasingly involved in overdose deaths in the US, especially when illicitly manufactured and mixed with other drugs. [Wikipedia]


Why is Chuck Schumer visiting China?

Chuck Schumer is visiting China as part of a bipartisan delegation aiming to ease tensions, discuss trade practices, and address concerns about Chinese companies’ role in the US fentanyl crisis.

What is China’s response to the US sanctions related to the fentanyl crisis?

China opposes the US sanctions and insists that the opioid problem originates in the US, and thus, it should not be attributed to China.

Is there a possibility of a meeting between President Joe Biden and President Xi Jinping?

There is potential for a meeting between the two leaders in San Francisco in November, although nothing is confirmed yet.

Original article source: France 24


23andMe’s Customer Genetic Profiles on Sale by Hacker

An unidentified cyber attacker is advertising the sale of “millions” of genetic profiles from compromised 23andMe customer accounts.

Quick Facts

  • 23andMe Breach: While the hacker claims to have acquired vast amounts of genetic profiles, 23andMe confirms that the actual breach occurred on individual customer accounts, not on their main database.
  • Data Types: The compromised profiles consist of email addresses, photographs, gender, birth dates, and DNA ancestry information. This data can potentially be used for targeting users based on ethnicity.
  • DNA Relatives Tool: The hacker purportedly created additional profiles using the 23andMe “DNA Relatives” tool, enabling users to connect with potential relatives by sharing similar DNA sequences.

The unsettling discovery of genetic profiles being up for sale from 23andMe customer accounts shines a light on the increasing vulnerability of personal information in the digital age. 23andMe, renowned for its genetics test kits that deliver ancestry and health reports from saliva samples, verified that the data for sale was genuine. Interestingly, the company revealed that there was no direct breach of their information systems. Instead, the hacker accessed individual accounts by re-utilizing login details obtained from other hacked service databases.

Further deepening the issue, the hacker leveraged 23andMe’s “DNA Relatives” feature. This function allows users to find and connect with potential family members based on shared DNA. The cybercriminal duplicated profiles by copying names of the 23andMe users’ connected relatives. Such an act not only increases the number of compromised accounts but also exacerbates the potential misuse of the information.

The genetic testing company, in response to these revelations, has prioritized its investigation into the matter. In a public statement, 23andMe emphasized their dedication to user data security and their ongoing efforts to validate and rectify the situation. The company’s commitment to its user base and data security will undoubtedly be tested in the wake of this breach.

For Further Reading
Genetic PrivacyGenetic privacy pertains to the concept of preserving and protecting an individual’s information derived from their DNA. As genetic testing becomes more mainstream, concerns arise over who can access this data and for what purposes. Such information, if mishandled, can be used for discrimination, identity theft, or even targeted advertising. [Wikipedia]


How did the hacker obtain the 23andMe data?

Instead of breaching 23andMe’s central system, the hacker accessed individual accounts using credentials from other compromised online services.

What type of data was compromised?

The exposed data includes email addresses, photos, gender, date of birth, and DNA ancestry information.

Has 23andMe taken steps to address the situation?

Yes, 23andMe has emphasized their dedication to investigating the matter and ensuring the security of user data.

Original article sourced from Yahoo Finance.

AI Assistance in Productivity: A Blessing and a Challenge

AI aids in improving workplace efficiency, but there’s a growing concern over potential human deskilling when overly reliant on such technology.

Quick Facts

  • Productivity Increase: Consultants using AI, particularly ChatGPT-4, finished tasks faster with improved quality. They achieved a 25.1% speed in completion and a 40% surge in output quality.
  • AI’s Leveling Effect: Lower-performing consultants saw a 43% performance increase when using AI, suggesting AI’s potential in narrowing skill gaps.
  • Dependency Concerns: While AI aids in task efficiency, there’s a risk of humans becoming too dependent, causing potential erosion in human skills and judgment.

Recent research, particularly a collaborative study by the Wharton Business School and the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), underscores the transformative potential of AI in knowledge work. This study demonstrated that, when integrated judiciously into their tasks, AI-enhanced consultants significantly outperformed their non-AI counterparts. Notably, those utilizing the ChatGPT-4 model accomplished tasks with remarkable efficiency and improved result quality.

Interestingly, AI’s impact isn’t uniform across all skill levels. The technology seems to act as a great leveler, especially for those consultants who initially scored lower in performance. When equipped with AI, these consultants exhibited the most notable improvement, narrowing the performance gap between them and top-tier professionals. Such results echo another study conducted by Stanford and MIT, where customer service agents, particularly the less skilled ones, benefited immensely from AI augmentation.

However, the allure of AI’s efficiency comes with caveats. There’s a growing sentiment that an overreliance on high-quality AI might engender complacency and undermine human skills. Such dependency may transform the workplace, causing humans to operate on “autopilot” mode, reminiscent of the smartphone dependency observed in prior studies. The broader fear is that as AI becomes more proficient, humans might lose the incentive to compete, leading to potential deskilling.

For Further Reading
Human Deskilling: Deskilling refers to the process by which skilled labor within an industry or economy is eliminated by the introduction of technologies operated by semi- or unskilled workers. This phenomenon can be observed when tasks that used to require specialized skills become simplified because of technological advancements. With the rise of AI in workplaces, there’s a concern that overreliance can accelerate deskilling, as humans might lose the drive to enhance or even maintain their current skill levels. [Wikipedia Source]


How does AI impact workplace productivity?

Studies, including those from the Wharton Business School, have shown that AI can significantly enhance workplace productivity. Consultants using AI can complete tasks faster and with improved quality.

Does AI benefit all workers equally?

No, AI has a leveling effect. Lower-performing consultants or workers benefit more compared to their higher-performing counterparts, thus narrowing the skill gap in certain industries.

What are the concerns regarding AI dependency in the workplace?

Overreliance on AI can lead to human complacency, with professionals becoming too dependent and potentially risking deskilling. This means that as AI handles more tasks, human skills could atrophy, affecting human judgment and capabilities.

Original article sourced from VentureBeat, titled “AI assistants boost productivity but paradoxically risk human deskilling”.

Researchers Uncover Vast Number of Enigmatic Circles Globally Using AI

Utilizing artificial intelligence, scientists have identified a significant number of mysterious “fairy circles” in various global locations, challenging previous beliefs and opening up new avenues of inquiry.

Quick Facts

  • AI-Powered Discovery: A neural network was trained with over 15,000 satellite images, leading to the identification of fairy circles in 263 dryland locations across 15 countries.
  • Locations and Conditions: These circles were predominantly found in hot, sandy areas like Africa, Madagascar, Western Asia, and Southwest Australia, with annual rainfall ranging from four to 12 inches.
  • Debate on Origin: The cause of these circles remains contentious. Hypotheses range from termite activity beneath the soil to patterns formed by self-organizing plants.

The phenomenon of “fairy circles” has long been a subject of fascination and debate among researchers. These unique round vegetation patterns, previously observed mainly in the Namib Desert and the Australian outback, have now been discovered in a multitude of new locations. This revelation, brought about by the power of artificial intelligence, suggests that the occurrence of these circles might be far more common than previously assumed.

While the discovery is groundbreaking, it also brings forth a plethora of questions. The international research team’s approach involved training a neural network with thousands of satellite images, half of which showcased these fairy circles. When this AI system was later used to analyze satellite views of various plots of land worldwide, it identified similar circles in numerous new locations. However, the exact mechanisms leading to the formation of these circles remain elusive.

Experts in the field have varied opinions on the origin of these circles. Some believe they result from termite activity beneath the soil, while others attribute them to patterns formed by self-organizing plants. The definition of what constitutes a “fairy circle” is also under scrutiny, with some experts questioning whether the newly identified sites fit the current understanding of the term. Despite the debates, one thing is clear: the discovery has added another layer to the enigma surrounding these peculiar circles, and further research is imperative.

For Further Reading Artificial Intelligence in Research: Artificial intelligence, particularly neural networks, has revolutionized various fields, including ecological research. Neural networks are a subset of AI that mimic the human brain’s structure, allowing for pattern recognition and data analysis at unprecedented scales. In the case of the “fairy circles,” AI was instrumental in analyzing vast amounts of satellite imagery to identify these unique vegetation patterns in new locations. This showcases the potential of AI in uncovering mysteries that might have remained hidden otherwise. [Wikipedia Source]


What are “fairy circles”?

Fairy circles are mysterious round vegetation patterns that have been observed in places like the Namib Desert and the Australian outback. Their origin and the mechanisms behind their formation remain subjects of debate among researchers.

How did researchers use AI to discover more of these circles?

Researchers trained a neural network using over 15,000 satellite images, some of which contained fairy circles. This AI system was then used to analyze satellite views of various plots of land worldwide, leading to the identification of similar circles in numerous new locations.

Is there a consensus on the origin of these circles?

No, the cause of these circles remains contentious. While some experts believe they result from termite activity beneath the soil, others think they are patterns formed by self-organizing plants.

Original article by Victor Tangermann on Futurism.

The Looming Threat of a Sixth Mass Extinction: A Study Warns

Study Highlights the Dire Consequences of Human Activities on Biodiversity

A recent study has raised alarms about the potential onset of a sixth mass extinction, emphasizing that human activities are driving the loss of entire branches of the “Tree of Life.” The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), warns that the extinction crisis is as severe as the climate change crisis, yet it remains unrecognized.

Facts of the News
Human activities are causing the loss of entire branches of the “Tree of Life”
The study is the first to assess modern extinction rates above the species level
73 genera have become extinct in the last 500 years, a process that should have taken 18,000 years naturally

The study is unique as it goes beyond examining the loss of individual species to assess the extinction of entire genera. The researchers relied on data from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), focusing on vertebrate species, excluding fish. They found that out of approximately 5,400 genera comprising 34,600 species, 73 had become extinct in the last 500 years, predominantly in the last two centuries.

Gerardo Ceballos, a professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico and a co-author of the study, emphasized that what is at stake is the future of mankind. The loss of one genus can have repercussions on an entire ecosystem. Ceballos likened the situation to removing bricks from a wall, warning that we are nearing a point where the wall, representing our civilization, could collapse.

Experts are calling for urgent action to halt the destruction of natural habitats and to restore those that have been lost. While the window of opportunity is rapidly closing, there is still hope to save many genera if actions are taken promptly.

Genus Defined
In biological classification, a genus is a rank that lies between species and family. It groups together species that are structurally similar or evolutionarily related. Understanding the concept of genus is vital in studying biodiversity and the impacts of extinction at a level above species. Learn more about the genus on Wikipedia.

What does the study reveal about the current rate of extinction?

The study reveals an alarming rate of extinction, with 73 genera becoming extinct in the last 500 years, a process that naturally should have taken 18,000 years. It warns of a potential onset of a sixth mass extinction driven by human activities, including habitat destruction and overfishing.

What is the “Tree of Life” referred to in the study?

The “Tree of Life” is a representation of living things first developed by Charles Darwin. It illustrates the relationships among various species, showing how they diverge from common ancestors. The study indicates that human activities are causing the loss of entire branches of this tree, not just individual species.

What can be done to prevent further loss of genera?

To prevent further loss of genera, it is crucial to halt the destruction of natural habitats and restore those that have been lost. The study emphasizes that there is still time to save many genera if urgent actions are undertaken to preserve biodiversity and protect ecosystems.

Source: Yahoo News

Apollo-Era Spacecraft Could be the Source of Moonquakes, New Study Suggests

Unveiling the Mystery Behind Moonquakes: Apollo-Era Spacecraft Under Scrutiny

A recent study has shed light on a previously unknown form of seismic activity on the moon, suggesting that a spacecraft left behind by US astronauts during the Apollo era might be causing small tremors known as moonquakes. The researchers utilized modern algorithms to analyze Apollo-era data, unveiling that the massive temperature fluctuations on the moon could lead human-made structures to expand and contract, thereby producing these vibrations.

  • Discovery: New form of seismic activity on the moon.
  • Method: Analysis of Apollo-era data using modern algorithms.
  • Implication: Insights into the moon’s response to its surroundings and its seismic activities.
Quick Facts Details
Temperature on the Moon Varies between -208°F (-133°C) in darkness and 250°F (121°C) in direct sunlight
Study Publication Published on September 5 in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets
Funding Supported by NASA

The study, published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets on September 5, highlighted that the entire lunar surface expands and contracts due to the extreme temperature variations. This phenomenon was deeply analyzed using artificial intelligence to understand the Apollo-era data better, pinpointing gentle tremors emanating from an Apollo 17 lunar lander module situated a few hundred yards away from the instruments recording the moonquakes.

Understanding moonquakes is pivotal for future lunar explorations, especially if NASA and its partners aim to establish a permanent outpost on the moon through the Artemis program. The study raises essential questions about the strength required for building structures on the moon and the necessary measures to mitigate other hazards.

Moonquakes Defined
Moonquakes are seismic events that occur on the moon, similar to earthquakes on Earth. These quakes can be caused by the gravitational interaction with Earth, the cooling and contracting of the moon’s interior, or impacts from meteorites. Understanding moonquakes is vital for future lunar explorations to build structures that can withstand potential seismic events. Learn more about moonquakes on Wikipedia.

The research not only offers a fresh perspective on how the moon responds to its environment but also emphasizes the necessity for clear and precise communication in high-stake environments to prevent unintended escalations. It calls for a reassessment of the protocols and language used in military communications to avoid dangerous misunderstandings in the future.

Source: CNN

NASA Releases UFO Report, Emphasizes Scientific Approach to UAP Studies

NASA has unveiled a comprehensive report on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs), emphasizing a scientific approach to understanding these occurrences. Here are the main points from the report and the subsequent conference:

  • The report was crafted by 16 experts from NASA, focusing on the data collection methods concerning UAPs across the US government and private sectors.
  • UAPs are defined as unidentified events in the sky that cannot be explained as known aircraft or natural phenomena from a scientific standpoint.
  • NASA perceives the study of UAPs as a unique scientific opportunity requiring evidence-based approaches, robust data acquisition methods, and a systematic reporting framework.
  • NASA administrator Bill Nelson clarified that the report does not confirm the extraterrestrial origin of UAPs due to incomplete data archiving and curation.
  • Nelson assured that any evidence of alien life discovered by NASA will be disclosed to the public.
  • NASA plans to employ artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to aid in the search for extraterrestrial life across the galaxy.
  • Findings from the James Webb Space Telescope indicate the existence of at least a trillion Earth-like planets, fostering a belief in the potential replication of Earth elsewhere in the universe.
  • The report did not address the congressional testimony regarding the recovery of non-human crafts and attempts to reverse-engineer them, as claimed by whistleblower David Grusch.
  • During a congressional hearing in Mexico, two “non-human” corpses were displayed, found in a mine in Peru in 2017, stirring discussions on their origin and nature.
  • NASA encourages a shift from conjecture and conspiracy to science and sanity, urging the global scientific community to study the available data rigorously.

Source: The Sun

Controversy Surrounds Presentation of ‘Alien Corpses’ in Mexican Congress

Debate Ignites Following ‘Alien Corpses’ Presentation in Mexico

A presentation involving the unveiling of two ‘alien corpses’ in the Mexican congress has sparked a heated debate, with some criticizing it as an ‘unsubstantiated stunt’.

  • Jaime Maussan and Dr. Jose Zalce Benitez presented the alleged ‘alien corpses’.
  • US Navy Lt. Ryan Graves criticized the presentation as a ‘huge step backwards’.
  • Specimens found near the Nazca Lines in Peru, believed to be about 1,000 years old.

In a recent event that has stirred controversy, journalist and UFO enthusiast Jaime Maussan, along with forensic scientist Dr. Jose Zalce Benitez, presented what they claim to be ‘alien corpses’ to the Mexican congress. The alleged remains, which were showcased in a hearing on FANI, are said to be unrelated to any life form on Earth. The bodies, described as having three fingers on each hand and elongated heads, were reportedly found near the ancient Nazca Lines in Peru and are believed to be about 1,000 years old.

The presentation, however, faced backlash, with US Navy Lt. Ryan Graves, a participant in US congressional hearings on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), calling it a ‘huge step backwards’. Graves expressed disappointment over the presentation, terming it an ‘unsubstantiated stunt’. Despite the criticism, Maussan and Benitez urged scientists to conduct their own studies on the specimens and defended the authenticity of their discovery.

The bodies were described as having characteristics ‘more typical of birds’, including a retractable neck and a long skull. They were also noted to have light bones and lacked teeth. The presenters mentioned that the beings carried ‘eggs’ with embryos inside them and had implants of cadmium and osmium metals. The researchers encouraged scientific institutions to investigate the findings, emphasizing that ‘we are not alone’.

Quick Facts Details
Presenters Jaime Maussan and Dr. Jose Zalce Benitez
Critics US Navy Lt. Ryan Graves
Location of Discovery Near Nazca Lines, Peru
Estimated Age of Specimens 1,000 years
Characteristics of the Bodies Three fingers, elongated heads, bird-like features

The presentation of ‘alien corpses’ in the Mexican congress opens up a new chapter in the ongoing discussions about extraterrestrial life and unidentified phenomena. While it has faced criticism and skepticism, it also brings forth the possibility of exploring unknown realms of life and the universe. As the debate continues, it will be interesting to see how the scientific community and the public respond to this controversial revelation.

Source: Daily Mail

James Webb Space Telescope just hit a software glitch

NASA says that the glitch has affected the Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (or NIRISS), causing it to time out. While that is troublesome, it’s important to note that Webb isn’t about to spin out of control because of this software glitch. NASA says that there is no indication of any danger to the spacecraft at all at the moment and that all the other instruments onboard are fine.

The James Webb space telescope was launched in December of 2021, arriving at its final destination just a few weeks later. Since then, Webb has delivered image after image giving us glimpses into the mysteries of the early universe, with Webb even detecting its first exoplanet a few short weeks ago. This software glitch, then, is just another hurdle for Webb to overcome.